ATE-I is:
Comprised of professional personnel who are involved in public and private schools, higher education, professional associations, learned societies and governmental agencies.
Dedicated to the improvement of teacher education through the efforts of interested individuals, organizations, and institutions.
Click here to view Our Constitution
Our Team
Dustin Bailey
ATE-I President
Rachel Swank
ATE-I Vice President
Patricia Swails
Executive Director
Tyna Hunnicutt
ATE Higher Ed Rep
Email at: bailey@hanover.edu
Email at: rmorin@purdue.edu
Email at: thunnicu@indiana.edu
Fosters the professional and personal growth and development of individuals who are or will be teachers..
Promote participation and cooperation among all who are involved.
Together, WE
Support the belief that the quality of education for all children and youth depends upon the effectiveness of those who teach.
Current Openings for Officers in ATE-I
Please consider assisting us in our search for the following officers:
Elected: P-12 ATE Delegate
Appointed: Membership-Development Committee Chair
Duties of the P-12 ATE Delegate
The P-12 delegate must be employed in a public or private school. Delegates shall represent ATE-I at the national ATE conference Delegate Assembly and are required to be a member of the national ATE at the time of election. The P-12 delegate is a voting member of the ATE-I Executive Board.
Duties of the Chairperson of the Membership-Development Committee
Shall promote membership in the Association
Shall design a development plan for the Association
Shall conduct at least two meetings of the Membership-Development Committee each year
Shall work with the Executive Director in membership and development activities
Shall submit an annual report to the Executive Board
Shall be a member of the Executive Board
Shall report to the membership at the annual meeting